Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Power of 15 Minutes

I know it's been almost a year since I updated this blog. That's ok, though. The beauty of this system is that there is no room for guilt. If I get sidetracked on how behind I've become, I will never move forward.

So, once again, I will offer pictures of my filthy house. This time, however, I will go room by room, and show you exactly what can be accomplished in 15 minutes. When the timer goes off, I put down what I'm doing and take a picture.



After isn't perfect. I didn't get to wipe the counters and there are still a few things misplaced. But it's better, and it's good enough to encourage me to make it better the next time I have to go in there.

That's what this is about.

Better. Not perfect.

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