Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Finishing Up

After Sprout woke up from her nap, I did two 15 minute sessions in the living room. It probably could have been done in one, if the kids hadn't dragged out every puzzle we own yesterday and mixed all the pieces together.

They sure do love me.




The cool thing is, if I stick to my routines, my kitchen will look like this every night before bed, with little to no effort:

My entire downstairs was cleaned today in less than two hours. I need to remember this the next time I start feeling oh so bad because everything is messy so I end up doing nothing for days. Seriously.

1 comment:

liberal army wife said...

Looking great! I know, if I stick to my semi routines (semi, because I get sidetracked/blog/husband won't stick to it) I can get the apartment looking decent in a couple hours. my biggest problem? The Husband's room aka spare room aka the Hootch. I swear, he turned a decent little spare room, into the hootch he left in Balad... sigh.