Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I was completely finished with my morning routine at 8:45 this morning. Thank you, Pack n' Play and Elmo in Grouchland. I even took my vitamin, AND some ginseng!

So... what needs to be done today?

It's Tuesday, and according to my weekly plan, that means I need to hit the Laundry Room and sweep the whole house. Not too bad. I'll do those things first, and if I have time to do other things I will. I'm going to include "put away all the clean laundry" in this set.

Today I would also like to visit some friends and complete a website project I have for someone. I also need to contact a friend about doing some computer work for her coffee shop.

Ten minutes at a time, baby.

I can do anything for ten minutes, so long as a midget isn't holding onto my legs and screaming at me!

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