Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Slow Start Today

Today has had a slow start. I have managed to make my bed, shower and feed the Sprout and me. I am lacking motivation to do anything else...

So, here's where the 10 minute timer works best for me. I really need to clean up the kitchen. I also need to do a load of laundry.

I'll get the laundry started and then spend 10 minutes in the kitchen. After that it's play time with the girlie, and hopefully soon I can take a nap because I didn't sleep very well last night.

According to my weekly plan, Wednesday is Plan Menus day, as well as polishing mirrors and writing notes and cards to mail tomorrow.

We'll see if any of that is done. For now I'll be satisfied with a clean kitchen and a load of laundry.

And a nap....

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Ten minutes at a time, with long breaks in between for feeding, playing and sleeping. I'm feeling better already:

I did everything on the plan from earlier, plus a few things. Tomorrow I spend time in the kitchen, but we'll leave tomorrow to worry about itself.
Have a lovely evening!


I was completely finished with my morning routine at 8:45 this morning. Thank you, Pack n' Play and Elmo in Grouchland. I even took my vitamin, AND some ginseng!

So... what needs to be done today?

It's Tuesday, and according to my weekly plan, that means I need to hit the Laundry Room and sweep the whole house. Not too bad. I'll do those things first, and if I have time to do other things I will. I'm going to include "put away all the clean laundry" in this set.

Today I would also like to visit some friends and complete a website project I have for someone. I also need to contact a friend about doing some computer work for her coffee shop.

Ten minutes at a time, baby.

I can do anything for ten minutes, so long as a midget isn't holding onto my legs and screaming at me!


Yesterday I didn't get ten consecutive minutes to spend on any one task. Sprout crawled after me, whining and screaming because I wouldn't let her pinch me all day. She's gotten into a thing that if I'm standing or walking within her field of view she gets angry. Barry Brazleton's "Touchpoints" says this is normal, that she's upset that she can't be the one walking away yet. Normal or not, it's quite annoying and detrimental to my drive to accomplish anything.

Today is a new day! We try again.

I'll be making links for my routines, but for now, this is what I hope to do this morning:

Make my bed.
Get dressed to the laceup shoes.
Throw in a load of laundry.
Make breakfast for the Sprout and me.

If all that comes together, I'll come back and post other plans for the day.


That's how we gots to do it.

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Beginning:

Living Room
Note the dirty diaper on the floor alongside some spilled Cheerio's.

Dining Area
Leftover dinner dishes and lots of baby food dropped on the floor.


Sprout's and my Bedroom

Heavy Duty's Bedroom

The Office

I sleep here because Soldier Boy and I leave our webcams on at night.

Guest/Kids' Bathroom

My Bathroom

Breezeway/Laundry Room


The Welcome Mat

Keeping my house in order is a constant struggle. Over the last year or so I have discovered The FlyLady, who has helped tremendously, but I've fallen out of my routines and will be working on getting everything back in order. I'm going to be following her basic guidelines, and posting the journey here. With lots of pictures.

My house will be naked for you and I am not going to be making excuses. Things are the way they are, and I'm going to be babystepping my way into making them better. I will be posting lots of pictures.

Since my friend died, I have lacked focus to complete most tasks, no matter how small. So using the FlyLady's suggestion of a timer, I will be attacking things ten minutes at a time. Usually it's fifteen, but I seriously can't pay attention to anything that long.

You'd be amazed what you can do in ten minutes, though.

So, welcome to my journey.

I can't believe I'm about to post pictures of this wreck. :)